About us

Since 1986

Purna is an independent Belgian company established in 1986, providing contract services for the development and manufacturing of semi-solid, powders and liquid pharmaceutical products that meet GXP standards as well as specific customer related requirements. Over the years, Purna has established a reputation for excellence and a global presence in the pharma industry, resulting in the status of preferred partner for most of the top-10 pharma multinationals. Purna’s agile and efficient operating model allows the company to successfully serve small start-ups with the same level of professional service that is afforded to our multinational phama customers.

Bridging Innovation and Commercial Opportunities in Pharmaceuticals

Purna also actively searches for commercial opportunities for their customers. We can support our customers by identifying innovative drugs of high impact which fulfil an unmet patient need. To also address this need, Purna invests in R&D and an innovation network which has supported the creation of a product pipeline for out-licencing purposes. The other way around, Purna offers scientists and owners of innovative technologies or products a credible and established platform to find the suitable commercial partner. Purna also exports pharmaceutical products, primarily via tender business to non-governmental organizations and national authorities. Purna offers a wide range of medicines of the highest quality at reasonable price for urgent needs to an indigent section of the population.


We offer more than 30 years of experience in liquids, semi-solids and powders with one stop for complete service (no transfer). Purna is situated in the center of Europe (near Antwerp – Brussels – Gent). Proactiveness and can-do are key elements in our philosophy.

Values and missions

VALUES Reliability As a company, we aim to be reliable partners to all our customers, suppliers, staff and shareholders. Teamspirit As a team, we cooperate constructively towards the same goal, in an open positive atmosphere, with respect for each other, seeking a fine, motivational, inspiring work environment. Engagement Commitment, taking responsibility, initiative and continuous improvement are deeply embedded in our corporate culture. MISSION We strive towards long-term, strategic cooperation and to be acknowledged as the best in class provider of contract development and manufacturing services in the niche market of pharmaceutical liquids and semi-solids. Besides services, we also (co-)develop innovative high value products which we present to our partners as commercial opportunities.

Strategy -Customer Intimacy

Kicking off a new development or manufacturing project in pharma, is like sailing a ship on the ocean. We leave the harbour as partners for a long journey, not knowing what problems or dangers we will encounter, but always focused to our destination. During the trip, the ship can change direction – but cannot be stopped. And the better the crew is well-matched to each other, the better the problems can be avoided or solved and the sooner our destination can be reached.

We believe in building customer loyalty for the long term, as a lifetime value to the company, not the value of any single transaction. We look for synergy through partnership, relationships oriented towards long term win-win. By having ‘customer intimacy’ as strategic model, we combine detailed customer knowledge with operational flexibility, so we can respond quickly to almost any need, from customizing a product to fulfilling special requests.


This strategy creates a virtuous circle: the better we know our customer with its objectives and difficulties, the better we are able to provide an optimal solution. The more adapted our product or service is, the happier our partner will be, and the stronger the “intimacy”. This means more than just aiming for customer satisfaction. It goes beyond that and requires buy-in at every level of the organization to be successful. We aim to inspire and encourage our staff to deliver an outstanding experience at every point of contact with our customers. Everyone should recognize a customer’s lifetime value to the organization, the long term picture.